This is a competition group, with rehearsals from 5:30-pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays during November through March. Competitions are on select Saturdays beginning in January through the end of March.
Cost: There is a participation fee of $350, which covers the cost of all instruction, uniform, equipment, and some transportation.
Other requirements: Students and parents must set up a CutTime account, which is used for general communication and online payment processing for the participation fee. Click on the link below for information on how to sign up. (Returning Colorguard/Winterguard students/parents who are already in CutTime will need to email Mr. Reynolds to confirm that their email and phone contact information is current.
CutTime SignUp (Video by Mr. Reynolds)
COLORGUARD is the visual ensemble that performs in conjunction with the instrumental players of the marching band. A “corps style” field show is incomplete without this versatile unit. The guard members enhance the overall performance through the use of color, equipment, and physical movement. Colorguard is a totally extra-curricular group. Students are selected through an audition process during the spring semester. The colorguard is sponsored by Mr. Reynolds through the band program, but brings in additional instructors who specialize in guard work. These instructors are contracted through our booster association and are responsible for the choreography and instruction.
WINTERGUARD is an extra-curricular activity that takes all the characteristics from the colorguard, minus the marching band and football field! This group is selected through an audition process in late Fall and meets regularly outside of the school day. Rehearsals are typically 2-3 times per week during the season, typically mid-November through the end of March. Our winterguard participates in the CWEA (Carolina Winter Ensemble Association) circuit. This is a highly competitive group, with competitions held on Saturdays throughout the season.
2018-2019 Winterguard
Congratulations to our Winterguard on their 3rd Place / Bronze Medal Finish in the Scholastic 3A Class

2016 Gold Medalist CWEA Finals Scholastic AAA Class
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