Director Notes Sept 22 2019
Congratulations to our students on a fantastic first performance. We still have much to add and refine, but this was a great start to our performance season. Several parents made videos of the show. The following link should provide access to two videos. One of the first and second movements, and a separate video for movement 3.
My sincere appreciation to all the parents who came in to help set up and move props for our rehearsal Saturday morning, as well as the exhibition Saturday night. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. I am also thankful for those who pitched in to help unload once we returned to school.
As we head into this coming week I wanted to give a few reminders…
MONDAY – Final turn in for our class Bank for Band / Colorguard evening sectional
TUESDAY / THURSDAY – Regular rehearsals
FRIDAY – Football Game @ Weddington. Report time 5:45pm
SATURDAY – Mt. Pleasant Contest . Report time 8am. Perform @ 11:45am. Return and dismissal approximately 6pm. *Full itinerary given on Tuesday.
I have had a few questions about polos and fleece that was ordered, as well as extra show shirts and hoodies. The polos and fleece should be available for pick up by Tuesday, and I am supposed to get the other shirts and hoodys on Thursday or Friday. Both vendors have been behind in the production schedules for various reasons.
Let me also take a moment to remind everyone that we will have our annual cookie dough sale in October (kickoff date is October 2) and our annual Mattress Sale on November 9th. Be on the lookout for additional emails about the mattress sale, including a reminder about our parent meeting on October 28. PLEASE MARK THAT DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR. We need all families in attendance for that short, 30 minute meeting.
Thank you to all who attended the county preview performance and cheered on the kids. It is awonderful feeling for the kids when they have an appreciative audience to applaude their performance. The kids will have more music, drill, and choreography to share at their first contest this coming Saturday. I hope everyone can make it out to see the kids perform. Here is also the link to sign up to help. Once you get to that page you can also click on the dropdown menu to see other dates where help is needed. Please feel free to reach out to me or Kathy Sharman, our booster president, with any questions.
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